Hello Guys ,
In my previous post , I discussed about bubble sort program implementation in java using array , Today we will learn the selection sort program implementation in java using array again
So lets get start
Program Implementation of Selection Sort in java
Time Complexity : The Time Complexity of the Selection Sort Algorithm is O(n^2) ,Because we are using two for loop in the algo.
Hope you guys understand the program well and if you have any problem do comment below.
In next Post I will share the Program of Insertion Sort Using Array.
Thanks for Reading
In my previous post , I discussed about bubble sort program implementation in java using array , Today we will learn the selection sort program implementation in java using array again
So lets get start
Program Implementation of Selection Sort in java
@author noeik
public class SelectionSort {
static int[] data = {10,23,45,5,3,2};// global data integer array
public static void main(String[] args) {
// selection sorting method
public static void sort(int[] data)
for(int i=0;i<data.length-1;i++)
int minIndex =i;
for(int j=i+1;j<data.length;j++)
System.out.println("before sorting element");
int temp =data[j];
System.out.println("After sorting element");
// displaying the array method
public static void display()
String result = "[";
for(int d :data)
result = result +d+",";
result =result+"]";
before sorting element
before sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
before sorting element
After sorting element
Time Complexity : The Time Complexity of the Selection Sort Algorithm is O(n^2) ,Because we are using two for loop in the algo.
Hope you guys understand the program well and if you have any problem do comment below.
In next Post I will share the Program of Insertion Sort Using Array.
Thanks for Reading
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